Burr Still Supports Trump But Disagrees With Criticism of Gold Star Family Print
The Campaign Trail
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Tuesday, 02 August 2016 14:41
Republican U.S. Sen. Richard Burr has distanced himself from GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump’s comments about the Muslim-American parents whose son died fighting in Iraq.
“There’s no place in America for this,” Burr told a Wilmington TV station Monday. “We need to thank those who commit the ultimate sacrifice, those who put on the uniform and defend this country and our ability to have elections, but I don’t think there will be anybody out there defending the statement that was made.”
At last week’s Democratic National Convention, Khizr Kahn lashed out at Trump, who has in the past called for a ban on Muslim immigration. Trump has since focused on immigrants from specific countries at risk for terrorism.
“You have sacrificed nothing and no one,” Khan said. “If it was up to Donald Trump, he never would have been in America,” he said about to his son.
Trump responded by saying Khan “viciously attacked” him.
In a statement, Burr said, “The parents and siblings of our fallen service members deserve the utmost respect – period – and the sacrifice made by their loved ones will never be forgotten.
“Captain Khan is an American hero in every sense of the term and the Khans deserve our sincerest gratitude.”
Burr has said he still supports Trump.