Weekly News Review - 4/22/11 PDF Print E-mail
Weekly News Review
Thursday, 21 April 2011 19:01

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Barry Smith of the state's Freedom Newspapers chain and SGRToday.com's Josh Ellis join host Barlow Herget to review the week's news, starting with the deadly and damaging tornadoes that swept the state last Saturday.  At last count, 24 have died and early estimates show millions of dollars in property damage.  President Obama has declared parts of the state eligible for disaster relief.

The panel also looks at Governor Perdue's recent vetoes and the threat one holds for 37,000  jobless workers living on unemployment compensation.  No word yet on a compromise on this standoff.  The trio reviews the bill introduced this week that calls for exploration for oil, gas and wind energy off the state's coast, now a big attraction for tourist dollars.

The legislature is making progress on a compromise bill worked out by legislative Republicans and Democrats and the Governor's office on the state employees' Health Plan, now facing a $500-plus million shortfall.  Governor Perdue vetoed the first version and the compromise removes some of the premiums that employees would have had to pay for the first time.

Last Updated on Thursday, 21 April 2011 18:53
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