People in Politics - 12/17/2010 PDF Print E-mail
People In Politics
Thursday, 16 December 2010 19:41



Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.'s Josh Ellis joins host Donna Martinez to discuss former Gov. Mike Easley's law license suspension and Gov. Beverly Perdue's bold proposals to Republicans that seized the media narrative for the week.

Then Dallas Woodhouse of Americans for Prosperity reacts to Gov. Perdue's proposals for limiting legislative sessions, going to an independent redistricting commission, and adding more transparency to legislative documents and communications. Woodhouse also discusses with Martinez the impact of a federal judge's ruling on the federal health care law on North Carolina legislative efforts to exempt the state from the law's individual mandate.

That's followed by a discussion with Rep. Bill Faison (D-Orange and Caswell) about his bid for the top job at the North Carolina Democratic Party and the impact of Republican control of the legislature on the state.

Martinez also updates several political news stories, including former Rep. Robin Hayes' desire to lead the state Republican Party and Sen. Kay Hagan's reported girls night out in Washington D.C. with 11 other female U.S. senators.

Last Updated on Monday, 04 April 2011 10:29
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