SGR Exclusive
Thursday, 03 October 2013 10:28 |
Ben Popkin, an attorney with the NC Insurance Department, answers Barlow Herget's questions about where to go to get help on the Health Care Act which opened enrollment for citizens Oct. 1.
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SGR Exclusive
Thursday, 26 September 2013 09:47 |
Triangle Transit General Manager David King says Durham and Orange counties have voted overwhelmingly to fund a rail transit system but Wake County is the holdout. That may be changing with Wake Commissioners call for study.
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SGR Exclusive
Wednesday, 18 September 2013 15:39 |
Lacy Reaves, chair of the Raleigh Hall of Fame Board, talks to host Barlow Herget about the Oct. 6 dinner in honor of a select group of citizens and organizations that have helped make Raleigh one of the best places to live in America. Last year's fete drew a record 1,000 guests.
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SGR Exclusive
Friday, 30 August 2013 08:58 |
Community College President Scott Ralls tells host Barlow Herget that his schools survived the Republican budget cuts, but face new challenge in adding expensive technical equipment needed to teach students for high-tech jobs.
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SGR Exclusive
Sunday, 18 August 2013 11:41 |
Economist Dr. Mike Walden explains to host Barlow Herget why North Carolina's recovery is so slow. He assesses the state's recent tax overhaul and budget and believes the lower taxes adopted by the legislature will do little to encourage development.
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