SGR Exclusive
Thursday, 18 October 2012 13:55 |
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Last Updated on Saturday, 09 February 2013 13:33 |
SGR Exclusive
Thursday, 18 October 2012 13:00 |
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Distinguished coastal geologist Dr. Stanley Riggs of ECU tells host Barlow Herget what's happening to the North Carolina coastline and what the next governor and legislature needs to do to preserve the state's beaches for future generations. Listen in. |
SGR Exclusive
Friday, 12 October 2012 13:38 |
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Guest Ferrel Guillory joins host Barlow Herget to review the first presidential debate and the challenge it sets up for President Obama in this week's second debate.
Last Updated on Tuesday, 16 October 2012 10:47 |
SGR Exclusive
Monday, 08 October 2012 11:05 |
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Distinguished Prof. Mike Walden of NCSU tells host Barlow here that manufacturing job losses hurt North Carolina more than most but thinks the diverse jobs base helped recession from being worse. He says the best way for NC's next governor to move the economy forward is invest in education, reform the tax system and build infrastructure such as roads. Listen to what he would tell the next President. |
SGR Exclusive
Friday, 28 September 2012 10:04 |
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Rep. David Price, D-Chapel Hill, says this Congress was least productive of any in modern era. The politics are poisonous in Washington, worse than when Newt Gingrich was Speaker of House. Yet, he's hopeful if President Obama wins re-election, the "fever" will break in 2013. |
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