Weekly News Review

Review examines McCrory's agenda for 2014 PDF Print E-mail
Weekly News Review
Friday, 24 January 2014 14:36

Governor McCrory, instead of a State of the State address, holds a press conference to give his State of McCrory address, outlining his "Carolina Comeback" for 2014 including pay raise for teachers, off-shore drilling and on-shore fracking and fixing Medicaid, somehow.  Charlotte Observer political reporter Jim Morrill joins host Barlow Herget to look at this story and others on a judicial black on state's abortion law, MLK Jr. week, and tax incentives for movies.

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Panelists review Obama visit, latest Wos blunder PDF Print E-mail
Weekly News Review
Friday, 17 January 2014 13:42

Cullen Browder of WRAL-TV joins Barlow Herget to review the week's news, leading with President Obama's visit to the state.  They also look at HHS Secretary Aldona Wos problems including a lawsuit filed against her agency by doctors, the rise in charter school applications and the debate over unemployment causes.

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Panel looks at coming and going in politics, starting with Mike McIntyre PDF Print E-mail
Weekly News Review
Friday, 10 January 2014 00:00

Gary Robertson of the Associated Press an Bruce Ferrell of NC News Network join host Barlow Herget to look at who's coming and who's going in Raleigh and Washington politics.  Rep. Mike McIntyre, D-7th District, is stepping down at the end of his term.  He was facing another bruising and expensive campaign, which he barely won in 2012.  Republicans are licking their chops to take the seat.  Also departing is Ricky Diaz, the 24year-old boy press spokesman for the embattled Aldona Wos at HHS, whose latest blunder was sending out 40,000 confidential Medicaid cards to the wrong people.  Coming in is Richard Lindenmuth to lead the Commerce Department's non-profit economic development agency that still hasn't received legislative approval.

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A look back at 2013 PDF Print E-mail
Weekly News Review
Friday, 03 January 2014 09:55

Paul Wolverton of the Fayetteville Observer and Bruce Ferrell of WPTF News join Barlow Herget to look back at some of the big stories in 2013, starting with the takeover of the legislature and Governor's Mansion by the Republican party, the first time since Reconstruction.

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Last Updated on Friday, 03 January 2014 09:57
Review looks at McCrory's rising poll numbers, law professor's email, Senator Rucho's controversial tweet and more PDF Print E-mail
Weekly News Review
Friday, 20 December 2013 00:00

Mark Binker of WRAL-TV joins host Barlow Herget to review the week's news about a conservative think-tank's freedom of information request to look at McCrory critic Gene Nichol's UNC emails.  They also discuss Governor McCrory's latest poll numbers and drastic cuts to state funding for school textbooks.  And Senator Bob Rucho gets the attention he wanted with tweet on Nazis and Obamacare.

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